Let’s make creativity contagious


Albert Einstein supposedly said that – “Creativity is contagious. Pass it on.

Creativity is a very big and broad word – not just in art. But I want to apply it in the way we do things, the way we think about things, and in the way we approach things – in our daily lives.

Creativity is a new way of doing things. With that said. . .

I want to take a different spin on it under today’s current so-called environment of divisiveness, and apathy. When we’re all feeling creative, inspired and motivated, we tend to be productive in all we do. We also tend to be positive towards our fellow peers.

Somehow along the way, we’ve “lost that feeling” – we no longer act like we’re creative, we no longer act like we’re inspired or motivated to do anything. We’re no longer the GREAT. We’re not AMERICA. We don’t do great things. We just go through the motions. We lash out at our peers, our family members and rage against the government. We lament to the higher being about our poor situation. (I can’t imagine how HE feels.)

When we’re feeling creative, inspired and motivated, we don’t rage against the government. We collaborate and communicate. We hold one another accountable. We strive to find ways to find mutually beneficial ways to find solutions that is a win-win.

When we’re feeling creative, inspired and motivated, we research to come up with solutions for problems rather than complain about problems. I see more people that would rather punch the time clock than to come up with solutions. Then they go home and complain. It seems sad, doesn’t it?

When we’re feeling creative, inspired and motivated, rather than feeling sorry for ourselves, we reach out for help and we offer ourselves to help one another. The ones wallowed in uninspired lives would rather than pit one another against the other.

So, let’s make creativity contagious. Let’s make enthusiasm contagious. Let’s make respect contagious. United States of America is great. We the people are great. We can do great things. Pass that on.

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